Allow me to introduce myself.
I am Derwent and so far I am the sole contributor to this blog. Some of my friends have expressed interest in creating content for this blog but they shall be introduced in due time.
I'm a part time Physics student, part time blogger, and a part time unicorn. I've been working on a number of awesome electronics projects recently, so instead of posting them to my personal blog, I thought I would register my own domain and start this: A blog for my friends' electronic and computer hacking shenanigans.
I'm a part time Physics student, part time blogger, and a part time unicorn. I've been working on a number of awesome electronics projects recently, so instead of posting them to my personal blog, I thought I would register my own domain and start this: A blog for my friends' electronic and computer hacking shenanigans.
The name came from my partner in crime, Matt who owns a real life freaking laser.
One of our main projects this year will hopefully be converting Matt's laser to work with open source laser control software so that we can participate in all kinds of laser shenanigans.
My current project is writing the software for this:
A bunch of LEDs I hooked up to a Raspberry Pi, that will one day function as a binary clock.
Stick around for more details on the binary clock project and many more laser-related shenanigans!